The quality of the services/products and the suitable management of the costs, of
the risks and of the benefits, pursues through the constant appointment of the human
resources of AMD International S.r.l., patrimony of the company, is the keys to reach
positions of excellence on the market in terms of amplification of the market shares,
growth of the profitability, creation of value both for the company that for the
clients and of economic progress of the social area in which the company operates.
plant components, composed of modular elements interconnected with bolted joints,
of variable size, made in the workshop of our design or customer. Materials C.Steel
/ S.Steel
Steel structures in carbon steel / stainless steel kind of heavy / medium / light.
Gas turbine inlet air filtration systems, applied in the chemical, petrochemical
plans. TMaterials are S.Steel and C.steel
Heating or cooling equipment for industrial fluids, typical applications in the petrochemical
industry. Materials are C.Steel.
Fired Heaters
Exhaust gas combustion systems (purge gas) in the chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical.
Materials are C.Steel / S.Steel
Derrick Flare System
Derrick structure: exhaust gas combustion system (purge gas) applied in the chemical,
petrochemical and pharmaceutical. Materials are C.Steel / S.Steel.
Guy Wired Flare System
Guyed structure (supported by metal wires) with our structural design. of exhaust
gas combustion systems (purge gas) in the chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical.
Materials are C.Steel / S.Steel.
Self Supported Flare System
Exhaust gas combustion systems (purge gas) in the chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical.
self-supporting structure with our structural design. Materials are C.Steel / S.Steel
Piping, ducting, skid and stack, Chemical and petrochemical applications. Materials:
Chemical and petrochemical applications. Materials: C.Steel/S.STeel.
Chemical and petrochemical pressure vessels for compression/expansion applications.
Materials: C.Steel/S.STeel.
Chemical and petrochemical pressure vessels for compression/expansion applications.
Materials: C.Steel/S.STeel.
Chemical and petrochemical atmospheric tanks; materials: carbon steel, stainless
Volume Bottles
Serbatoi a pressione applicati al settore chimico e petrolchimico negli stadi di
compressione/espansione. I materiali utilizzati sono C.Steel/S.STeel.